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Finde alle Unterschiede bevor die Zeit abläuft. In jedem weiteren Level ist ein Fehler mehr zu finden.
Champ Is Gast
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Spot 5 differences between 2 potraits...
Champ Is Gast
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Ask any person what they value most about the place they call home and we guarantee safety will be at the top of the list. Everyone hopes to live in a low-crime area where homes are secure and residents feel at ease visiting local businesses, parks, and schools. Years in a row this very small town ranked as the number one safest City in the country even though quite a lot of mysterious events have happened there in the past.

Located in the south of the country this town has a crime rate of practically zero, with no violent assaults or burglaries. Until last week when some mysterious faces with masks are robbing the people in this place. After the fourth daylight robbery the past week by masked bandits, the police started suspecting the same mysterious men with masks are targeting the homes in southeastern communities.

Officer Justin was assigned to the case and today he arrives on duty in his native city. He is working with his fellow citizens to try to shore up security and anyone with information about these robberies is asked to contact him. No one knows who the thieves are, so Justin decides it's time to put an end to this.
Champ Is Gast
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One of the saddest things that a dead person' family must face is the truth of accepting that that person is no longer there with us. If it is older person we are talking about, than it is easier to accept. But what happens when you get to deal with a murder of a close person? Than, though the pain is greater than a mountain, but it becomes even bigger because you don't know who is the evil person that took away that person from you.

And it is normal to be suspicious and to ask for a lot of questions what has really happened and how could someone do such a thing to someone closer. Unfortunately not every suicide that the authorities claim to be, actually is. In today's game we are introducing you with very dedicated detectives who will want to help people in trouble.

Steven and Kimberly are detectives who together with their team are on the place where doctor Brian's body was found. They came to this place so they could find any kind of evidence on his death because Dr.Brian's family is suspicious and believes that we are talking about murder, not suicide as the authorities say. The pursuit may begin.
Champ Is Gast
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Find all the differences within the time limit. Pinch or long click the image to zoom in or out.
Champ Is Gast
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What about some riddle game for today? We are hundred percents sure that you find challenge in this kinds of games because they taste your knowledge, your fast thinking, your willing to try new things. For today we are bringing you to this special place, a temple which is full of hidden treasure and you would surely want to find it. It is no that you will get it for your self, this is still a game, but imagine that you are fighting for your own treasure.

Kevin is an adventurist who wants to visit hidden and not enough explored places. For today he arrives in the stone temple hidden deeply into the desert. Kevin wants to explore the temple, to find worthy artifacts, but as the temple keeper has hosted him, he is not letting him easily to explore the temple. The guardian poses few riddles to him and Kevin has to answer it if he wants to explore the temple.

Use your imagination and fight this man's strong will not to let anyone in this temple. It is not going to be an easy thing, but it is going to make you feel that you were part of a great adventure.
Champ Is Gast
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This is the case with Martha Wilson. Responding officers found her before she almost died. She appeared disoriented, but luckily she survived the attempt. The police was on the case, but could not find strong evidence to confirm who tried to kill Mrs. Wilson. So, private detective Harold was hired to investigate the case.

Martha suspects that it was her husband Carl and his secret mistress. She believes that he has an affair for a long time now and that both Carl and his mistress came up with a plan to murder her in their home. Detective Harold arrives in Wilson's family house to start his investigation. He need to find out if Carl was cheating on Martha and if this was a motif enough to commit a crime.
Champ Is Gast
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Anfisa is the daughter of the head of a small village. Her father Egor is on this function for a while and he has ruled the village really well, making all citizens very satisfied with their lives. However, before a certain period of time, was found a mummy excellently preserved. It was a mummy of a Siberian princess. Everyone in the village was quite excited because of this discovery, believing that it will bring good to the village but it came out that the things went to the opposite way. After a while the village was afflicted by a huge catastrophe, terrible earthquakes and strong winds. It seemed that it will be the end of the small village because it started ruining. The head of the village thought about finding ways to take care of the catastrophes but since it was a natural phenomenon, it seemed there is nothing that can be done. However, thinking about a solution he realized that everything started on the day when this princess was found so he started believing that it is something related to her. Anfisa set a task to herself, to find all the objects that belonged to the Siberian princess. They decided to bury them on a traditional Siberian way, concerning that when that happens, the catastrophes will end up. Let's help Anfisa finish her mission before it's too late and before there is still a chance for saving the village.
Champ Is Gast
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What about some spooky story for today? We bring you some chills today. And what are the best spooky stories ever? You enter an abandoned house which sometime in the past was totally normal and a happy family lived. But, than some strange thing happens all of the sudden and everything turns wrong.

Fortunately, there are specialists that understand these kind of cases, know how to act, how to find out who is the guilty guy, why does some bad spirit ruins the lives of people around and makes them scared to be in the neighbourhood. Today we are introducing you with such a professional smart guy who will solve big problem.

Eric is experienced detective for paranormal cases. In his city there is a suburb that represents huge danger for its citizens. Very often there have been testimonies that in the late night hours there is a spirit of a woman that scares the citizens of this city. Eric arrives on the property where the ghost appears wanting to communicate with her and to find out what is the reason for its appearance on this place. So, get into Hercule Poirot mood and enjoy!
Champ Is Gast
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Helen likes to find out what is it about; what is really happening in her house and why. Is it something paranormal, is it some UFO with aliens or is there some more logical explanation of everything?! Let's explore everything carefully and find out what is really going on out there.
Champ Is Gast
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Spot The UFO that has just been added on the screen. Each time you spot it, a new UFO will be added. Find it as fast as possible.
Champ Is Gast
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The ghost leads Butau through the passages of the tomb and she even promises him that she will allow him to take whatever he likes if he fulfills one condition – to manage to answer few really difficult riddles. Let's see if Butau will leave the place with empty hands or he will come out with something important.
Champ Is Gast
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Tom stürzt aus großer Höhe auf die Erde. Helfe ihm dabei, seinen Fall zu vermindern, indem du Federn sammelst, um mit ihnen zu flattern, und  ihn so lange lange wie möglich in der Luft hälst. Ballons und Regenschirme werden ihm helfen, aber natürlich gibt es eine Menge übler Dinge denen Tom ausweichen muss, wie z.B. Raketen, stürmische Wolken und eine Vielzahl von Vögeln.
Champ Is Gast
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Your job is easy - fly with the flappy color bird through the right color on the screen! Be fast and heave fun.
Champ Is Gast
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See in Game.
Champ Is Gast
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Helfen Sie der Krähe einfach, durch die Hindernisse zu fliegen. Bei diesem Spiel muss man sich auf die Bewegung der Krähe konzentrieren, und nur eine leichte Fehlberechnung kann dazu führen, dass sie auf die Hindernisse stürzt
Champ Is Gast
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Take orders and make the requested orders and try to help your customers in time. Collect the cash and grow your shop.
Champ Is Gast
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Follow Birdy as he flies between evil clouds and try to dodge them as you collect the coins! No more submit at the end of the level, only for Game Over!
Champ Is Gast
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Flower Line a new game inspired with popular match games but its different with existing match 3 games, in this game you have to imagine where those tile can be connected no matter if the tile is horizontal or vertical, lets see your imagination can can resolve this match game.
Champ Is Gast
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Lass das Gehirn über den Fußballplatz rennen! In FootBrain musst du den pinken Blob vor Zombie-Athleten schützen. Du kannst dir eine Batterie holen, um schneller zu rennen und Verteidiger umzuhauen. Die blauen Trophäen bringen dir Bonuspunkte. Wende dich schnell, um den Zombies auszuweichen!
Champ Is Gast
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Winzige Raumschiffe, die sich im Raum verirrt haben, helfen dem Raumschiff, den Planeten auszuweichen. Sehr einfache Steuerung, Taste gedrückt halten, um nach oben zu fliegen und loslassen, um nach unten zu fliegen.
Champ Is Gast
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Lasse die Kugel durch den Wald rollen wechsele durch klicken die Richtung und weiche so den Bäumen und Felsen aus.
Champ Is Gast
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Wechsel immer die Seiten, um den Stacheln auszuweichen.
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See in Game.
Champ Is Gast
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Steuere die Rakete an den Hindernissen vorbei und berühre nicht die Wände.
Champ Is Gast
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Halte Trump durch Mausklicks in der passenden Höhe und lasse ihn durch die Öffnungen fliegen.
Champ Is Gast
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Dein Ziel besteht darin den Ball so lange wie möglich in der Luft zu halten und die Stangen zu meiden.
Champ Is Gast
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Halte die Frösche mit dem Seerosenblatt vom Wasser fern und versuche sie links oder rechts am Ufer landen zu lassen. Das verspeisen der Mücken bringt die extra Punkte ein.
Champ Is Gast
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Arcade Info Center

Latest Scores

Allach scored 81.125 on Ace Solitaire
07.01.2025, 19:35:40 CET
Allach scored 260 on 13 is a Winner
02.01.2025, 20:12:28 CET
Allach scored 234 on 13 is a Winner
31.12.2024, 17:45:40 CET
Allach scored 3.400 on 5 Stack Blackjack
17.12.2024, 20:23:41 CET
Allach scored 79.870 on Ace Solitaire
17.12.2024, 20:03:11 CET

Did you know?

Our most played game is Ace Solitaire, have you played it?
Did you know that Allach has claimed way too many champions?
Total of 7491 games in the arcade

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